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  • Writer's pictureJulie

Avocado - True Love or Big Hate

Hello everybody,

Hope you all had a nice day. Mine was pretty nice. Its now around 10 in the night, but tomorrow will be a stressful cleaning day with my mum, because of our big modification in our cellar and the first floor. It already looks very nice but the end isn't even near.

Let's switch to the topic of this post - Avocados.

Many people hate them and many people love them. The first time I've tried Avodacos, I absolutely hate them but I tried them without anything else. The taste was very loathful. I said to myself: Never ever again.

This was 4 years ago. I think it was last year when my Instagram Feed was full of delicious pictures and recipes of Avocados. So I thought, nah give it another try. Thus, I looked after some recipes of the pictures, got the ingredients and started. I hoped for the best. The ingredients I use now are pretty the same like back then.

I take one ripe Avocado and cut it in a half. After that, I take the inner of the Avocado out by cutting it into cubes. I put it in a bowl and smash it until the texture I want. Then I put salt, pepper and chilli flakes in it and mix it with the juice of a half lemon. For others, this could be very sour, but for me, this is the best taste. Eh voila. The Avocado Smash is ready. I know its sound a bit like Guacamole but I never try it out. #challengeaccepted

The only way I really love it is how I described bevor. This smash on a crispy bread, topped with tomato slices. Gosh, it is delicious, you have to try it!

You also can try to make Avocado-Fries, but in my opinion, the Avocado has got enough fat. Even if it's healthy. A whole Avocado medium size has about 260 calories and 23 grams total fat. Compared to a potato (about 200 gram) 0.2 total fat with 142 calories. But Avocados are the better option if you want to try low carb because they have less than 15 grams of carbs in 200 grams Avocado.

Put them in a mixture of smashed eggs, cheese and a bit of salt. Put it in the oven until they are golden. Try it with a mixture of greek yogurt and parsley. It's delicious.

I wish you a happy week and hopefully a summer start.

xo Julie

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